Rick Sanchez is a character from the animated television series Rick and Morty. He is known for his cynicism and for his various catchphrases, which include “wubba lubba dub dub” and “I’m pickle Rick!” Here are some of the best Rick Sanchez quotes:
- “The world is full of idiots that don't understand what is important.”
- “It hurts. It's painful. But no one's dead.”
- “Wubba lubba dub dub!”
- “Little tip, Morty. Never clean DNA vials with your spit.”
- “Put a saddle on your universe. Let it kick itself out.”
- “Don’t break your back creating a lesson, Morty. It’s a free-form anthology. I’m getting annoyed you’re not hearing that.”
- “Don’t get drawn into the culture, Morty. Stealing stuff is about the stuff, not the stealing.”
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